Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Helpfull credit and debt counseling tips

Helpfull credit and debt counseling tips by Andrew Mills

are you trying to learn more about credit and debt counseling well we have gather some helpful hints and tips about credit and debt counseling, so feel free to read this credit and debt counseling article as much as you want. Hopefully you find these credit and debt counseling tips and hints helpfull to you.

If you can only consolidate part of your debt, pay off the accounts with the highest interest rates for the greatest savings.

How Credit Card Debt Affects Your Credit ReportCredit card debt can help or hurt your credit report. Obviously, you need to be making at least your minimum payments on time. The second important thing is to not max out your credit cards. You should always have available credit because then you are sending a more responsible signal to the credit reporting agency. The best ways to manage credit card debt in terms of your credit score is to either maintain some available credit, or pay your debt off entirely and on time.

While some of these options may be more desirable than others, and most come with their own set of complications and consequences, keep in mind that they are likely preferable to continuing to struggle with unmanageable debt.

Benefits of Credit Card Debt ConsolidationThe benefits of consolidating your credit card debt are many, with one of the most important being the peace of mind you'll have when you need to make just one payment a month, all while getting in control of your credit card debt. If you have good credit, you can also benefit by being able to negotiate a lower interest rate. After all, the 0% rate is usually introductory, but depending on how much money you bring onto the card, the credit card company may respond by offering you a lower interest rate. No matter what, getting in control of your debt and your spending, although hard to do at first, will eventually offer you a great sense of accomplishment.

Be careful when you sign (or even agree to anything over the phone). If you don't know what it means, ask a friend or family member to help you. In many cases, these institutions will get your whole paycheck and then send you another check which will be much smaller than you ever expected.

Well these are just a few debt collector tips that you can use and try to recognize. These debt collector tips have been gathered from some of the best debt collector sources on the internet today and from some of the best authorities on the subject. credit and debt counseling -learn how improve in your debt

webmaster of http://www.debtconsolidationpost.info

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Your Debt Free Plan for the New Year

Your Debt Free Plan for the New Year by Cornie Herring

Unmanaged spending using credit cards are the number one root cause that drives most of people into credit card debt. If you are current in debt and thinking of having a debt free life in near future, you need to start to look into your debt seriously; steering clear of unwanted debt is a great way to manage your finances and relive the stress cause by debt. Here are some debt free steps which you can put in place as your New Year's plan:

1. Change Your Spending Behavior

You cannot become debt-free if you spend more than you earn. It's that simple! Financial stress relief is called "money in the bank" or "positive cash flow". You need to know where you money goes; this can be done by list down your regular and non-regular expenses. Think twice for any item which you plan to buy, ask yourself whether it is a need or an optional item.

2. Have Your Budget Plan

Make a budget plan for yourself and eliminate or at least reduce optional stuff such as entertainment, dinner at restaurant and luxury vacations. Plan your budget according to your financial capability and spend according to your budget. You will be able to achieve your debt free goal if you can plan for a positive cash flow, which means that you spend less that what your earn.

3. Pay Your Bills On Time, Every Time

Managing monthly bills is an essential part of staying debt free and maintaining a good credit rating. If you find this difficult, come up with a system to ensure that bills are not paid late. For your current credit card debt, you may get help from finance experts such as credit counseling or debt consolidation services; they are widely experience in help people in debt management.

4. Set Your Financial Goals For Long-Term and Short-Term

To change your spending behavior may be difficult, but if you set your financial goals, both for short- and long-term, it is easy to make the necessary spending cuts to get what you really want. So set your realistic financial goals for year 2007 and a few year down the road; and manage, control and cut unnecessary expenses so that your can achieve your financial goals.

5. Plan For Adequate Emergency Savings Fund

You never know what will happen tomorrow, there may be some emergencies which will need a lump sum of money instantly, such as medical bill due to major illness and accidents; money to cover to income shortages such as temporary loss of job. Three to six months' worth of bare-bones living expenses should shield you from most of these problems. Make the savings your habit.

6. Learn to Invest Your Money

Investing can make our money earn more money and keep you out of debt. Learn to invest with your money to grow it. There are many investment plans available in the market, range from insurance, to mutual fund, to stock market. Investment can make your grow your money; in contrary, it may cause you loss your money as well. Normally high gain investment will have higher risk than low profit investment. You need to understand your own risk profile and select the investment schema that meet your risk profile. You can start your learning by taking a class, find a referral to a great adviser or just start reading. Do it your way, but do it; and start now!

So, these are some tips for Your Debt Free Plan. Wish you have a Happy and "Debt Free" New Year.

About the Author
Cornie Herring is the Author from http://www.StudyKiosk.com. "StudyKiosk-Credit Basics" is an informational website on credit basics, debt consolidation and bankruptcy.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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