Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What Are Debt Expenses?

What Are Debt Expenses? by Adele Adams

Do not let creditors turn over your situation to someone or an agency to do the collecting for them, as this means that they have given up on you.

More and more consumers today find themselves in the uncomfortable situation of only being able to afford the minimum payments on their credit cards. Or, even worse, not being able to afford even the minimum payments. In today's world, it is often easy to get in over your head and find yourself spending more than you make. It seems that everything is going up but wages, and it is all too easy to fall behind.

There are numerous types of debt, including basic loans, syndicated loans, bonds, and promissory notes. Debt, especially large sums of debt, can also be secured through a mortgage or other security interest over some of the debtor's property, in which case the creditor will have some rights over that property in the event that the debtor becomes unable to repay the debt and defaults on the loan.

For many Americans debt is an overwhelming problem, a stressor that can quickly take hold of one's life. When there are bills attached to house, boat, automobiles, college tuition, and daycare, it's not hard to imagine that many folks can quickly be swept under the current of spending which can unexpectedly whirl into deep debt.

The importance of determining your expenses

Society is becoming so commercialized that no person is exempt from this world-wide phenomenon called spending and mounting expenses. The high cost of living has paved the way for an increase in the spending habits of people.

An expense refers to the disbursement or spending and it generally has something to do with money. Anyone who lives in the 20th century isn't exempt from having expenditures even just for day to day living.

Expenses can either be essential or those expenses necessary for the survival of a person, or non-essential expenses, which refer to expenses that aren't really necessary or are considered as luxury expenses.

Debt is a hard thing to live with, reduce debts today!

The most common and essential expense are those spent for food and for the daily subsistence of a person. A person couldn't survive without food and water so almost all people are forced to spend money on these items. Expenses for housing utilities like water and light are also considered essential expenses because any household couldn't operate efficiently without them.

For people on the go, the cost of fuel or fare is also considered an essential expense because they couldn't go about their daily work without spending for these items.

Essential expenses are the expenditures that a person couldn't live without because these are necessary for the day to day subsistence of a person. Try scrimping on food expenses and any person will soon realize how essential food is in the daily household budget.

People work so they will earn money that will be used to pay for their essential expenses. A person who isn't lucky enough to get a good paying job will definitely have no choice but to lessen the budget even for his essential expenses. This means cutting back on his basic needs like food, water and power consumption and even his toiletries.

However, there are some people who earn less but still spend more for their household expenses. These people have failed to manage their finances and they will soon be deep in debt. The key to successful household management is to limit the expenses to the minimum.

Make a Budget. If you want to have a grab of your financial situation before you lose everything, making a budget is what you should do first. Assess how much do you get from your income or other means and your expenditures. For example, if getting that posh apartment means you have to limit your meals to once a day, then it is not a great and sound budgeting decision.

Having trouble paying your bills? Getting dunning notices from creditors? Are your accounts being turned over to debt collectors? Are you worried about losing your home or your car?

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) reports that calls from people worried about debt have been increased by 50% compared with last year.

You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by writing a letter to the collector telling them to stop. Once the collector receives your letter, they may not contact you again except to say there will be no further contact or to notify you that the debt collector or the creditor intends to take some specific action. Please note, however, that sending such a letter to a collector does not make the debt go away if you actually owe it.

You could still be sued by the debt collector or your original creditor.

Bankruptcy is not your only option. Millions of people credit is devastated by bankruptcy every year. Though filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will clear you of any obligation to creditors, it is devastating to your credit and will ride your credit report for ten years.

The expenses of every person differ and the money allotted for each type of expenses depends on the priorities of the person. While each person has a household expense, there are other expenses that are necessary to fulfill his various responsibilities in life.

A person who is engaged in business will definitely be familiar with business expenses. These are the necessary expenses to run a business and sometimes it is called overhead expenses. Any entrepreneur should keep his expenses at a minimum and it should be much less than the total sales of the business so that the business will be able to make a profit.

An entrepreneur can have expenditures related to the promotion of the business, advertising, maintenance of the business establishment like expenses for power and water, salaries and wages for the employees and other expenses. A person who works at home can claim a certain percentage of the household expense as a business expense.

While business enterprises should cut back on their overhead expenses to get a decent margin of profit, a homeowner should keep his household expenses to the minimum to achieve a reasonable savings. Savings advocates however argue that savings shouldn't be the remaining cash after the expenses are deducted from the total income. They say savings should be deducted from the total income first and the remaining cash should be the basis of the monthly budget of the person.

Every person who wants to profit and to achieve savings should be a wise spender. Each person can keep the expenses at a minimum by availing of grocery sales, promotions, and free coupons. A person can choose to buy a cheaper product with the same functions and quality as another known product which is more expensive.

It is always wise to become a critical spender so manage your finances wisely and keep the expenses low by availing of different strategies like buying from the bakeshop when it is near closing time as most shops discount their bread products by as much as fifty percent during this time.

There are a thousand and one ways to save money and keep expenses low; it is however up to you to achieve these goals.

Debt Consolidation- Debt Consolidation is an easy and timely alternative. A Debt Consolidation Counselor will evaluate your current situation and past debt and develop a budget for you.

Interest rates for credit card debt consolidation loans through traditional lenders may be based on your credit score. If high, you are likely to get a credit card debt consolidation loan at a lower interest rate.

The prospects of managing financial obligations have just gotten worse, as Congress has passed legislation that will make bankruptcy filings more difficult than ever.

Debt is a hard thing to live with, but we all have it and deal with it everyday. Sometimes it is manageable, sometimes you feel like you can barely keep your head above water and unfortunately many times you feel like you are drowning in it!

Credit card debts can mount up and get out of control quickly, you can reduce them

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Secret To Negotiating With Creditors Like A Pro

The Secret To Negotiating With Creditors Like A Pro

So many businesses these days are saddled by overburden some debt, and when debts go unpaid negotiation with creditors becomes a necessary tool for a debt-laden business to survive. Whether you do it on your own or hire a professional, skilled debt negotiators save businesses real money. However, some business debt negotiation succeeds and some fails. Why?

The secret to succeeding in business debt negotiation is in understanding how to best position a debt-troubled company to negotiate a fair-minded settlement with creditors. The use of proper positioning will impress creditors and promote reasonable settlements. Failure to position a company properly will put it at a significant disadvantage with creditors, dooming it to a negotiating “rut”.

In positioning a debt-troubled company, the primary types of variables that are relevant for effective debt negotiation with creditors are economic, credibility, legal, and collection history. Understanding how to use these variables correctly allows a company in serious debt to create a strategy to win the debtor/creditor “negotiation game”. Sound interesting? Read about the variables below.

Economic Variables. Economic variables consist of effective communication and documentation with creditors regarding current cash flow, future earnings potential, assets, guarantees, outstanding business debt loans, security on any debts, liens, judgments, etc. A good negotiator needs to consider that some creditors are in deep need of their money, while others have deeper financial reserves. Proper use of the economic variables results in an informed and interested creditor who is most receptive to communications and offers. Negotiators also need to be prompt and honest. Negotiators who are not knowledgeable about the details of the business they are negotiating for are lost!

Credibility Variables. Having clear goals and adequate resources to settle debts are instrumental. But the best laid plan will be useless without creditor cooperation. This takes a credible negotiator. Open communication with creditors has to be correctly managed by negotiators. High quality information, current information, and frequent communications need to be exchanged and maintained in order to reach equitable debt settlements. Broken promises in the past, lack of clear goals or a clear reorganization plan, unanswered inquiries, etc. damage credibility and slow the process. Negotiators need to maintain creditor respect, and reestablish the credibility that has been lost by the debtor.

Legal Variables. Every creditor and collector has a wide range of legal options in trying to collect their money--everything from doing nothing to winning a judgment and seizing assets. A good negotiator knows each creditor’s exact position in the collection process. Negotiators know that creditors will be considering, among other things, whether or not the debt is in suit, if the debt is disputed, if the debt is secured, if bankruptcy has been filed or contemplated, if they are the original owner of the debt, the collectability of the debt, etc. Negotiators should always factor in the costs of legal action in their analysis.

Collection History Variables. The history of a debt account is important to the creditor's collection stance. Variables such as prior collection efforts, the number of prior collectors, the age of the debt, prior offers and demands, etc. help creditors decide how to proceed. Some collectors have set rules provided by creditors for collection, while others have more internal flexibility to fashion settlements and solutions. As a negotiator, try to gather information about the creditor’s limits, payout terms, willingness to settle, etc., while maximizing the use of the collection history data to turn the creditor towards a reasonable solution.

The above list of variables is not meant to be complete, and there are secondary variables (the discussion of which is beyond the scope of this article) that can come into play during negotiations.

The negotiator’s strategy is to use the above variables as a “system” to provide creditors with lots of accurate information about the business’ problems, so that the creditor will be most informed of how dire the cash flow is, how burdensome the debt load is, how repayment cannot be made, how operating expenses are not being met, etc. Typically, there will be two outcomes. Creditors will either agree to settle debts for less than is owed, or they will agree to extend the time in which they are paid. Either way, an efficient debt negotiator will allow a business to allocate more resources towards increasing revenue, as opposed to wasting resources on debt load it cannot pay.

Which option a creditor decides to take is dependent on each particular debt and each particular creditor. There is no steadfast rule as to what a creditor will do. Some debts are just recently delinquent, while others have been through litigation and have judgments entered. Some debts are unsecured, while others have an asset pledged against them in case of default. Some creditors are in deep need of the money, while others have deeper financial reserves. Good debt negotiators will balance creditor “wants” with debtor “needs”.

Mastering the debt negotiation process begins with understanding the "ins and outs" of these factors. Using the strategy mentioned above will certainly influence a creditor’s decision-making process, potentially saving a lot of money for debt-strapped businesses.

This article was written by Christopher M. Lee, vice president of”>Debt Management Associates, Inc. Mr. Lee has 18 years of debt negotiation experience. For more information, go to

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Credit Card Debt Consolidation by R. Edward Jones

Credit Card Debt Consolidation May Lessen Your Payments - But Make Sure You Don't Jump Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire

A credit card debt consolidation loan is one way of consolidating credit card debt. This type of loan is a regular debt consolidation loan, re-engineered to help you deal with skyrocketing credit card debts.

Credit card debt consolidation is a process that involves taking all of your outstanding credit card balances and turning them into a single balance with a single payment. It is a process of taking all your bills and consolidating them into one lower monthly payment.

A credit card debt consolidation loan combines the debt on all your credit cards at a lower rate of interest. The main purpose of credit card debt consolidation loan is to combine your all existing debts in to a one single easy to manage payment.

A credit card debt consolidation loan is one tool a person can use to overcome his credit card debts. This is why a credit card debt consolidation loan is often the answer to an individual's mounting credit card debt.

Credit card debt consolidation is one of the rising personal finance needs today. It is something many of us will have done at least once or considered doing.

Of Epidemic Proportions

With credit card debt reaching what some consider to be epidemic proportions in this country, the need for credit card debt consolidation is far greater than ever before. It is often considered as the first step to solving the issue of credit card debt.

The number one step in the credit card debt consolidation is to bring all the debts together. The key is to avoid getting to the stage where you're receiving notices and calls from a collection agency.

Credit card debt consolidation loans are available in both secured and unsecured forms. With the secured form, credit card debt consolidation is frequently granted against a fixed asset that serves as collateral, such as a person's home.

The unsecured form and maybe the easiest of all is to transfer all of the balances from your existing high interest credit cards onto another low-interest or zero interest credit card. the problem with this method is that the low interest will only last so long before it expires. Then you are forced to have to do it again and so on.

A credit card debt consolidation loan is often advised for folks who are struggling to make the payments on their high interest cards and can seem like a good solution to your credit card debt problem. But it is not the best solution for everyone with a credit card debt problem. It is important to realize that a credit card debt consolidation loan is not another way to put off paying back the money which you owe.

Biggest Advantage

One of the biggest advantages of getting a credit card debt consolidation loan is reduced interest. The advantage is lower interest than credit cards and smaller monthly installments.

It allows you to see see the light at the end of the tunnel and saves lots of your money in the form of reduced interest payments.

One other big reason why people go for credit card debt consolidation is that they can make only one payment to a single creditor. The monthly payment you make for the credit card debt consolidation loan is much less compared with other loans.

Credit card debt consolidation is the key to re-establishing good credit and you no longer deal with your individual credit card companies. And not only is your payment lower, your loan can be paid over a longer period. Is Credit Card Debt Consolidation for You?

Many people wonder if a credit card debt consolidation loan is for them. Debt reduction through credit card debt consolidation is a jump start to a brighter financial future.

A credit card debt consolidation loan is an excellent opportunity to jump ahead of the high interest rates and ultimately eliminate credit card debt for good. It is the wise man's idea for consolidating credit card debts.

Credit card debt consolidation is an helps you with some welcome financial relief. Maybe you will decide that credit card debt consolidation is the best solution to your credit card problems.

According to loan advisor Earl Padowitz: "Credit card debt consolidation is the future."

About the Author
Learn more about loan and debt consolidation at

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Manage Credit Card Debt - Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

Manage Credit Card Debts - Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

Credit card is just another form of instant cash and it is a useful source of finance, in which there is no need to carry cash all the time for incurring expenses. Along with financial assistance, credit cards also carries two obligation with it; firstly, to pay high interest on it and secondly, to make timely payments of credit cards bill. It is possible that the person may get delay in making payments of credit card bills as there are so many bills pending, which emerges as hurdle in making timely payments. And, if he makes delay then this will make him pay huge fines and penalties. As the result of this whole process finally the person gets in the trap of debts. Generally it is seen that most of the people uses credit cards while incurring expenses, so this is the reason that why the credit card debts are common these days. In order to handle and control credit card debts, it’s recommended to avail credit card debt consolidation loan.

Most of the banks and financial institutions provide credit card debt consolidation loan to the person drowned in the deep sea of credit card debts. Credit card debt consolidation loan simplifies the payment structure of paying debts. The lender providing credit card debt consolidation loan merges or consolidates all the credit card debts and enables the person to pay single payment rather than paying number of credit card bills.

The benefit of availing credit card debt consolidation loan is that the person will be obliged to pay low rate of interest. Credit card carries very high rate of interest as compared to the interest rate in credit card debt consolidation loan. The presence of number of lenders also makes the interest rates of credit card debt consolidation loan more competitive.

Along with providing credit card debt consolidation loan, the lender also provides counseling session in which he discuss the problem, prepare a budget and makes plans accordingly, so that further these credit card debts doesn’t arises.

Credit card debt consolidation loan can also be applied through online, which further saves time, effort and money of the person. Only required thing is to fill an application form which asks for certain personal and financial details. And, if the lender gets satisfied then he calls back to the person for further process.

Financial market has made available this credit card debt consolidation loan to everyone that is; either he is homeowner, tenant, student, employed or unemployed etc. So, the person needs not to worry regarding his status while availing loan. In other words, credit card debt consolidation serves to all and helps them in leading a debt free life.

By: IsabellaNelson
Isabella Nelson is an expert in finance , having completed her Master of Commerce in Finance from Brisbane University. To find Credit card debt consolidation loan,student loans debt consolidation,personal debt consolidation loans,bad credit debt consolidation loan at cheap rates , you need to visit

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Effective Ways Of Getting Rid Of Credit Card Debt

Effective Ways Of Getting Rid Of Credit Card Debt by Mario Churchill

It is a fact that owning a credit card can give you lots of advantages. But, sometimes owning a credit card also has its disadvantages. Many people go into credit card debt that resulted from compulsive purchasing. It is always recommended that when you get a credit card, you should only purchase good or services within your financial capabilities.

It can be very frustrating if you get into a credit card debt. It is therefore wise to consider a few things in order to avoid or get rid of it. You don't want to end up paying off interest rates for years before you can pay off the actual debt. Here are some things you should consider in order to avoid or at least get rid of your credit card debt and avoid financial woes.

Having a lot of credit cards can be very hard to manage and you may end up getting into debt. So, if you have a lot of credit cards, and it is difficult for you to manage, try and cut off some of the credit cards to avoid getting into a considerable amount of debt. People are usually tempted to use their credit cards. Therefore, it is wise to get rid of other credit cards so you can concentrate on your remaining credit cards. The best way to do this is to close the credit account as soon as possible after you paid off the debt.

Consider using your credit cards for emergency purposes only and by making online purchases. Having at least one or two credit cards is enough to avoid getting into debt.

Impulse buying is another problem that many people face with credit cards. If you keep at least one or two credit cards for emergency purposes, you will still end up having that urge to buy that new pair of shoes or treat your spouse to dinner. One solution to avoid this is by freezing your credit cards, literally.

What this means is that you simply have to put your credit cards in a Ziploc bag, fill it with water and put it in the freezer. This will make it less convenient for you to buy the things you want. When the time comes that you need your credit card for emergencies, you can always thaw the credit card and use it.

Another way to avoid getting into a high amount of credit card debt is by paying off more than the minimum monthly payment. By doing this, you can save a lot of money in the next due date. Minimum payments may sound very attractive but this is one of the strategies of credit card companies to get more money through interest rates. Start paying off your credit card with the highest interest rates. For example, if you are required to pay a minimum of 100 dollars a month, start by adding at least 20 dollars. You will see that you will save a significant amount of money by just adding 20 dollars a month on the minimum payment.

If you plan on closing a credit card account, make sure that you pay all of it off before you close it. Some credit card companies will charge you a higher monthly interest rate for the reason of closing an account that still has an outstanding balance.

These are the things you should consider in order to avoid or get rid of your credit card debt. However, the most important thing you should remember to avoid getting into credit card debt is by simply budgeting wisely. Make a payment plan in order to avoid accumulating credit card debts together with high interest rates.

About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on credit cards or to apply for a credit card checkout his recommended websites.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Credit Repair Scams

Credit Repair Scams by

How can you recognize credit repair scams? Is there a way to decipher what is real and what is not? Yes, there is a way to tell and we are here to help you do just that. Let's delve into what to look for that tells you which companies are really credit repair scams.

Clear up your credit report. We can remove all negative items. Get good credit again! How many times do you see this in print and sometimes on TV? These are definitely credit repair scams. How do we know this? In this case it is easy to tell. Nobody can legally remove a legitimate item from your credit report -- except the original lender. Anyone claiming to be able to remove negative items from your credit file, and give you good credit report is lying to you. Never pay anyone to do this. You can get your own credit report -- at most it will cost you $30 to get a copy from all 3 major bureaus. Then you can dispute incorrect items and pay down or pay off items that are legitimate but adversely affect your report. All of this is done for free by you. There is no need to pay someone to do this. The worst part about this type of ad is that they will usually just take your money and run. This leaves you with your bad credit and an empty wallet. Be sure to avoid this type of scam. The warning sign here is the wording. Steer clear of this type of company.

Another credit repair scam is seen on TV all the time. You have what appears to be a caring individual talking to you about your credit card problems and your high debt. They say that they will work with your creditors. At the end, the person thanks the company for helping them. This too is a credit repair scam. These companies are actually collection agencies. What they do not tell you is that they are working for the creditors, not you. They will talk to your creditors and maybe get the interest removed or reduced; some of the creditors may actually take a reduced payout amount in order to guarantee some type of payment from you. Here is the down fall. First, they are not being honest about who they are. Companies that misrepresent themselves bother me. If they cannot be honest about whom they are and what they are really doing, how can you trust them to help you. Next, they are working as debt collectors. This means that they are going to advise you to do everything in order to make the payment to them. They do not care that you may need groceries or that you may have to pay a mortgage and utility bills. Never allow this type of company to have control of your current ongoing payments. If you have a mortgage, and gas & electric, a phone, and taxes, etc., do not give them control over these items, especially if your rent or mortgage is current. You pay them a lump sum and they are supposed to distribute this money to your creditors as well as take a cut for themselves. Oh, didn't I mention that? You pay them to collect the debt for the creditors. The creditors do not pay them like in a standard collection agency. That's why a lot of creditors will reduce the amount owned slightly for them. It is still less expensive than using a traditional collection agency. These types of credit repair scams are the worst. They are believable. An offer to help you manage your debt is very attractive to those in financial trouble. This type of company preys on those who cannot afford to make further financial mistakes. What services they offer, you can do yourself with a little planning. Get your debts together and add up the total amount due for each past due account. Talk to each creditor. This will take time but you can do it. Ask them to reduce or eliminate ongoing interest if you cut up the card and send it back to them. You will also need to make arrangements to pay them. Be clear on what you can really afford. A lot of companies will work with you, especially if your financial difficulty was due to an unforeseen hardship like a layoff or an illness. If you need to work with your mortgage lenders, be sure to talk to someone in their loss mitigation department. They don't want to foreclose, that gets very expensive to do.

Beware of those empty promises. Keep your money in your pocket. Put some time and effort into resolving your debt situation by yourself. If you really need help, seek out a credit counselor. Many can be located online now.. These services help you learn money management skills; they do not help you repay your debts. This is a better investment than throwing your money away on credit repair scams.

About the Author
This article is courtesy of Your online source for bad credit repair resources and quick, guaranteed approvals.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Shed Debt Burden Through Free Credit Card Debt Management

Shed Debt Burden Through Free Credit Card Debt Management

Because of uncontrolled habit of spending for every purchase through credit cards, debt accumulation on credit card has become huge problem for large number of the card holders. Free credit card debt management comes to the rescue of these people in a big way as it provides much needed services for debt management free of cost.

Free credit card debt management counseling services give you free advice on dealing with the credit card debts in an effective way. These service providing agencies can negotiate with creditors for a lower interest rate and lower monthly repayments which lessens the debt burden of credit card holder.

Free credit card debt management agencies can help you in finding required funds so that you repay debts of higher interest rate immediately. These agencies also see if you have tax refunds, extra refunds which are good resource of repayments of debts.

Free credit card debt management is usually done when you approach to the debt management agencies on the internet. These agencies are in loan business and when a likely borrower asks for advice to manage credit card debt, he is given the management tips free of cost. All you have to do is to fill a simple application format online after locating the agency on its website.

Credit card debt management enables credit card holders in effective management of expenditure through credit cards. The management helps in repaying debts in time also. If you think you can not personally manage the debts then take help of reputed consultants. They will guide you in bringing back spending on right track.

There are many ways for managing credit card debts at comfortable level. The agencies may advice that you should never put in use all of your credit cards as this way you will only spend more and number of debts increases. One effective solution is to use debit card instead of credit card which has high interest rates. Debt card spending is limited by the amount in your bank account and you can not exceed the spending. In case you have to pay number of credit card bills then better take debt consolidation loans for immediate pay off the debts.

Free credit card debt management is a free of cost way of keeping the debts at manageable level. Before the debts turn into financial crises for you better go for free credit card debt management advice. If you are advised to take debt consolidation loan better take it immediately for early clearing of the debts.

By: Aldrich Chappel
Aldrich Chappel has been associated with Credit Card Debt Management, since its inception.To find Free Credit Card Debt Management,credit card debt risk management,credit card debt management UK,consolidate credit card debt management,professional credit card debt management visit

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How To Cancel The Credit Card Christmas

How To Cancel The Credit Card Christmas by Glen Williams

...Before Your Credit Cards Get Cancelled! Every year, we respond the same way, like Scrooge, giving away the store to avoid the Ghost of Christmas Future. Unfortunately, if we use credit cards to buy Christmas decorations, refreshments and gifts, most us are haunted by the Ghost of Christmas Past...the past 20 Christmases, if we make the minimum payment. Since we're making payments this year on the holidays of years, even decades past, it makes sense to look at ways we can avoid using credit cards for at least this one holiday every year.

Debt-Elimination vs Consolidation: Especially with the recent low mortgage rates, many use their home equity to consolidate and pay off their credit cards, often with lower monthly payments. Of course, this means last Christmas won't be paid off until 2035 in most cases. The sad fact is, after consolidating to lower their payments, most people go right back to charge those cards up to the maximum they can afford...or beyond. Instead of looking at how to finance another debt consolidation, let's consider the possibility of debt reduction...long-term...elimination. Add up the total of your credit card payments. If you're average, it's about $ 625 per month. One fifth of that ($ 125) is the value of things you bought, with the remaining $ 500 (interest) being the price you paid for not using cash (assuming the minimum payment).

Let's turn that around and use it in our favor, for a change. What if we took every Christmas credit card purchase ( you can do this the rest of the year, too. I just don't want to shock you.) and multiplied the price by 5...the new price representing what we'll pay if we use the credit card. That gives a whole new meaning to the term "Christmas Sale," doesn't it? Think about the financial power you'd have were it not for credit card payments. Most people dream of getting a $ 500 monthly raise in pay, yet they can give that to themselves by simply not using credit cards.

Help For a Debt Free Holiday: Of course, most believe they would need some sort of debt relief to do Christmas for cash and debt freedom is just a pipe dream. This isn't's just a long, hard road to get there. Once you're there, life is far easier without that heavy weight around your neck. I'm just going for a debt free Christmas, though, knowing if I can convince you to do that, you'll see it's worth it to do the rest. That, you can easily achieve in a year, if you're able to say "no" to yourself so you can say a bigger "yes" later. Take whatever you spent last year on Christmas and use it as a benchmark for next year (November is a little late to save for this year). Divide that number by the number of months, or paydays in the year. This is the regular deposit amount for your bank or credit union special savings account (pick one that pays interest). Often, they can automatically deduct the money if your pay is deposited directly. "But, "you say, "What if I can't afford to deposit that amount?" Then, it's even more important for you to do this so you can afford Christmas some day but this brings us to that ugly word...budget.

Merry Money Management: Of course you can afford's just a matter of when you can afford it. Once you get this credit thing cleared up, you can afford five times as much stuff, if you use cash. To be able to have money to manage you must manage the money you have. Budgeting was a four-letter word for me for a long time, until I was forced to do it to save our house. Now, I praise God I had that financial emergency to help me learn the difference between needs and wants. Many a parent will rob their daughter's college fund to give her the dolly she wants this Christmas, though, by March, the doll is likely to be broken or lost. You can get her the doll, but we'd better be able to tell our own wants "no" so we can tell her "yes" to college...and dolls. The problem isn't's outgo. If you don't have enough every month to put in for next Christmas, you could just take your tax refund and put it away. Marsha and I had no new clothes and ate baked potatoes or rice for dinner 2 nights per week for over a year, to get a handle on our can do this. Maybe go a little lighter on the expenses this year and decide you'll do what it takes next year to make Christmas an all cash event. Trust me! Once you've had the taste of a cash Christmas, you won't be able to stop until you're going cash all the way.

About the Author
Glen Williams is Webmaster at and founding CEO of E-Home Fellowship, Inc. He has counseled and helped people on life and health issues full-time since 1989. You can comment on his articles at Way2Hope Family & Life Forums.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Five Steps to Debt Reduction

Five Steps to Debt Reduction by Sabrina Coffin

Perhaps you are one of many American's today who struggles with owing more on your credit cards than you care to speak about.

Let me begin with a series of questions:

1. Do your finance charges exceed the minimum payment due?

2. Do you find yourself charging more each month on your credit card that what you paid towards your last statement?

3. Does your debt cause you to lose sleep or heighten your anxiety?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I may be able to assist you in a very effective way to reduce your debt and lead you to a path of financial freedom.

First of all, you will need to take a good hard look at your spending habits and ask yourself if there are any areas that are excessive and unnecessary. The change can only begin with you. If you are ready to commit to a complete financial overhaul, you will need to embrace change. While change may be especially painful when it is connected to the pocketbook, it is the only way to break free of the endless cycle of accumulative debt.

Now, let's begin our journey.

- Make a list of all your credit card debt. Write down how much you owe and the interest rate for each credit card.

- Whenever possible, consolidate. Be on the lookout for any promotions offered by your credit card company. If you have a good credit rating, you may receive offers to transfer your debt from one credit card to another for an interest rate as low as 0% for a period of time. Regardless, seek an interest rate that is less than what you are currently paying to avoid excessive finance charges. Be aware of hidden fees. Sometimes you can find an offer to transfer balances without a transfer fee.

- Create a payment plan. Now that you have decided to radically change your spending habits, how much of your monthly income can you apply towards reducing your credit card debt? Be honest with yourself. It is important to assess your payment plan without setting yourself up for failure. If you find you are unable to make a reasonable payment amount to significantly reduce your debt, you may want to begin seeking alternative ways of creating a cash flow and begin applying that income towards your debt reduction. There are a lot of ways you can make a P/T income at your fingertips if you set your mind to it.

- Create a progress chart. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to write your payment plan on paper. I found the Columnar Pads to be very helpful in my organization and charting process. These can be purchased at any office supply store. Simply list your credit cards in order of the least balance due to the greatest balance due. Determine the amount of each payment to be applied to each credit card and document in each column. A payment should be made to each card on a monthly basis, with payments being applied from each paycheck received. This will keep you on a strict budget and on track on a weekly basis. NOTE: You will want to apply your largest payment to the credit card with the least amount of debt owed. All other credit cards should receive the minimum payment due until this first credit card is paid off. Once you have paid off the first card, proceed to the next credit card with the least amount of credit card debt. Continue with this process until all credit cards are completely paid off.

- Reward yourself! The psychology behind this is simple! Once you have paid a credit card down, by all means celebrate! However, simplicity is the key. There is no need to throw a huge party and spend a ton of money. Life offers many simple pleasures. Choose whatever luxury or simple indulgence will aid in motivating you towards you goal.

This financial plan was personally created when my husband and I found ourselves in a heap of debt when the stock market spiraled in 2001/2002. We were forced to sell our way out of approximately 3 years of annual income in the stock market in less than a year and we used our credit cards to shore up our stocks in attempt to avoid selling more stocks. Huge mistake! To our despair, we owed 50% of our annual income to our credit card debt. You can only imagine the emotional and financial turmoil we faced on a daily basis.

Always up for a challenge, I began to organize our finances on paper and chart out our progress. As silly as it may be, I actually put a 'star sticker' by each payment made and continued to chisel away at each credit card until is was paid off. The heavy burden on our backs became lighter until we were finally set free from all the debt. Today we are debt free and in the process of building our dream home with a minimal house payment on the Pacific Ocean, due to our lifestyle change and savings strategies.

Sabrina Coffin

About the Author
Sabrina Coffin has been successfully marketing her businesses for over a decade and works primarily from home. She is happily married with four children and resides in the Pacific Northwest. Through personal experience, she is passionate about helping others seek financial restoration and get out of the vicious cycle of debt.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Debt settlement

Debt settlement by Peter Baker

Want to break free from your debt burden? Get out of Debt with Expert Debt Settlement Programs and Credit Counseling...

Debt Settlement is a process of writing off your outstanding debts through a settlement company that negotiates with all your creditors and comes up with a reduced amount so that you can pay off the debt amount easily. Easier said than done, eliminating your bad debts is a daunting task that entails systematic planning and proper execution of planned settlement strategies.

The debt settlement plan can eliminate your debt completely by paying less than you actually owe. It helps creditors get their money repaid without spending funds for collection. That is the reason why most credit card companies and other lenders show interest in the debt settlement or negotiation process.

Although one can work out the debt reduction process on their own, but many a times, it is seen that the creditors and collection agencies refuse to negotiate with consumers directly. This is where a good and reputed settlement company comes into play. Besides executing the consolidation deal easily, there are certain other benefits that make a debt settlement company a better and feasible option.

Mostly in Negotiating with creditors and restructuring the debts that one owes, the original debt amount is reduced to 40% to 60%, thus saving you thousands of dollars. Most debt negotiations are based on extensive time durations. This way you can extend the time span for your debt repayment. The scheme sounds lucrative and is fruitful if you take the right decision at the right time.

A debt elimination program is canvassed to settle your debt after keeping your current debt situation in mind. It drafts steps, that can help you drain your principal debt amount, eliminate your late fees and provide you with the flexibility to repay your debts within the chosen time frame. It consists of a date-wise schedule and systematic payment plan towards settling your debt.

Debt settlement plans can affect your credit score, which may reflect on your credit report for about 7-10 years. But this is a better than being bankrupt. Debt settlement is a wise option to clear your poor credit score unless you can pay the amount at one go. You can anytime opt for credit counseling for settling / repaying your debt.

Credit counseling is a process that educates on how to write off incurring debts that cannot be repaid. Credit counseling sometimes involves negotiating with creditors to fabricate a debt management plan for a consumer. Credit counselors design a data management plan in such a way that it reduces payments, fees and interest rates for clients. Credit counselors refer to the terms dictated by the creditors to determine payments or interest reductions, offered to consumers in a debt management plan.

When you undertake debt management credit counseling, it will allow you to examine certain spending habits. Though, most of the time we know about our expenditures, sitting down with a counselor and penning down each bill will help you perceive your limitations. You will start feeling better within a few sessions with consultants, who help you get out of this embarrassing situation most amicably.

Debt counseling can help you establish a plan to regulate your spending behavior. Generally, you pay a small fee to have a credit counselor work with you. However, beware of dealing with experts who may charge you high amount or promise you the heaven.

Being in a financial fix can stress you and your relationships. Credit counseling can help get you out of debt and back on track. Many people struggle to find the right credit counseling service. A good and compatible credit service can make you debt free in five years (in most circumstances). Make sure you are aware of how they plan to do that, and request monthly statements showing your progress.

There are thousands of debt consolidation companies, vendors, banks, etc., offering free quotes online. Exploring such options on the Internet, help you choose from the variety of debt settlement plans, that suit your situation in the best possible way.

If you want to avail an affordable debt settlement service without spending too much time and energy, then offers the ideal platform. Offering an array of low interest mortgage options, home equity loans and flexible debt consolidation programs, AmeriQuote serves to provide a compatible, reliable, secure and stress-free method to shop for Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Auto Insurance and Financial needs.

Understanding your requirements, AmeriQuote allows you to receive free online debt quotes as simply and quickly as possible. Best of all, AmeriQuote Finance Center provides faster, easier and free way to shake-off your monetary burdens.

In case you are looking for complete financial freedom, get in touch with and get debt quotes online - FREE. Apply Today!

About the Author
Peter Baker is the Director of Marketing for He has over 10 years of experience in the marketing field, specializing in online and TV marketing. In addition, he has over 5 years experience in the insurance and finance industries.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Friday, November 03, 2006

How I Went From $30,000 in Debt, to Debt-Free in 36 Months

How I Went From $30,000 in Debt, to Debt-Free in 36 Months

Three years ago I was $30,000 in debt.

I had $15,000 in consumer debt (credit cards and an auto loan), and I owed $15,000 to my mom. I felt like I was swimming in an ocean of debt with no sign of the shore.

My income as a real estate agent was around $35,000/ year. Scary, huh?

I got myself into this trouble the way most people get themselves into financial trouble…poor decisions based upon taking the easy, instant gratification, tons of justifications path.

Today, I am debt free except for my mortgage, which I consider “good” debt.

I’m going to tell you how I got out of debt. These ideas are a bit difficult to put into writing, but if you read this article carefully, my experiences and suggestions may help you to achieve the debt-free life you dream of.

What has worked for me can work for you if you are willing to follow a more difficult life path than you are on right now. The choices I made, so that I could get out of debt, only worked for me because I was willing to do “whatever it took” to get out of debt. This “whatever it takes” philosophy was very important to my success, and will also be very important to your success.

Selling your "future self" into slavery:

Most people, including me, prefer to take the easy path in life; “Buy now, pay later”. We do this not realizing that we are putting our “future selves” into slavery for the debt we create today. What you buy on credit today, your “future self” will have to try to pay back when you get your credit card statements.

If you think about it, why would you do that to yourself? You wouldn’t do that to a friend. You wouldn’t do that to your Grandma. Why do it to you? You need to learn to like yourself enough not to create this future slavery. You have a choice. You can look forward to a future filled with freedom and prosperity, or a future of slavery to your debt. Don’t intentionally give up your freedom. Your choices can create a future heaven or a future hell for you.

When I realized this important truth, I totally changed how I looked at life. I realized that, “If I am tough on myself today, my future self will have a gentle, more prosperous life, filled with exciting choices”.

With that truth firmly in mind, I started making the harder choices. The delayed gratification choices. The get of debt-slavery choices. I started walking the more challenging path towards getting out of debt.

How I freed myself from debt-slavery:

Easy Choice #1: I stopped creating more debt. Period.

Hard choice #1: I sold my home and bought a tiny condominium. I lived alone and didn’t need a home that big, and I didn’t need that big mortgage payment. I moved from my 1400 sq. ft. home into a 420 sq. ft. condo. My mortgage payments were cut in half. The money I freed up was used to pay off debt.

Hard choice #2: I got a second job. In my case I created a window cleaning business. Window cleaning is inexpensive to start and fairly lucrative…I averaged about $24/hour washing windows. I could set my own hours to fit my real estate business. I still do this business on a part-time basis. This extra income went to paying down my debt, and now that I am out of debt, is now being saved to buy a newer car with cash. By the way, I will be paying cash for that car.

Hard choice #3: While working on paying off my debt, the real estate market went crazy. Real Estate agents, including me, were making two or three times their regular incomes. In our area this boom went on for about 24 months. Most agents were buying themselves new, larger homes and beautiful, new luxury cars. Not me. I was busy paying off my debt. I admit that I would look longingly at the new cars in our office parking lot, but I knew that the good times would in due course end and those easy payments would starting getting hard to make.

Easy choice #2: Towards the end of the “hot” real estate market I had about $30,000 in equity in my little condo. I sold it and moved into a condo that was a little larger (800 sq. ft. vs. 420 sq. ft.) My mortgage payments were larger, but I used part of the profit to pay off my Mom. The rest was used to buy my new condo. Now my debt was down to about $9,000.

The good, the bad and the end of my debt:

I received an inheritance this year, some of which I used to pay off the rest of my debt. This inheritance was given to me by Betty, a woman I was dating. My sweetheart, Betty, died of cancer in December of 2005 and left me some money from her estate. Even though she wanted me to have the money, I would gladly have given it all back and everything I owned to have her back. The ability to pay off my debt using this money was truly bitter-sweet. While she was alive, Betty enjoyed debt-free prosperity and she knew how important it was to me to be debt free too. She left me once last blessing, freedom.

In the end I received an unexpected blessing which helped me get out of debt faster. I feel strongly that had I not been willing to do “whatever it took” to get out of debt, I may have never received that final blessing. I think life provides us with what we want, if we are willing to pay the price. You may not have to pay the full price to become debt-free, but you have to prove you are willing to pay the full price, before the universe helps you out.

It’s up to you. You can become free of your debt by being tough on yourself. Make the harder choices. Take the more difficult path. Don’t sell yourself into debt-slavery. If you do these things, your financial life will become gentler and easier as time passes. This concept works. Try it, I dare you. Then let me know about your success!

By: Don Glasgow
This content is provided by Don Glasgow and may be used or republished only in its entirety with all links included. To read more financial freedom articles click>Here or Here.

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to make Low Interest Credit Cards work for you

How to make Low Interest Credit Cards work for you. by Ex Bank Employee

I used to work in the Credit Card Department of a large International Bank, and it sickened me the way other staff and I had to sell low interest credit cards, extortionate interest credit cards and credit card insurance (a waste of money) to customers that in many cases would have been better off getting an extension on their bank account overdraft. I am not financially well off but I have got more money to play with after seeing firsthand how to properly manage low interest credit cards.

A Bank or a Credit Card Company will always welcome new customers with open arms. To attract customers to join they will offer low interest credit cards 0%APR for a period of up to about 12 months on balance transfers and purchases. This means that say for example you have credit card with another Company with a balance of - $4000, and you are paying interest on this (say 10%APR, which is $400 interest in the year) you can transfer all of this over to the new company and pay no interest for the next 12 months. The Bank will even allow you to spend an extra few thousand dollars when your account is transferred to them. And all you have to pay back is the minimum payment of less than $50 a month. Sounds great - but here is the catch 22, and here is how to beat it.

Companies which offer low interest credit cards and 0% APR credit cards do so, on the assumption that the customer will not be financially tuned in. It is expected that the customer will then remain with this credit card long past the 12 month period, and thus long past the 0%APR period. As the banks allow you to pay just the minimum payment this means that if you borrowed and extra $2000 dollars on top of the $4000, you would only have paid back $600 in that year. In the following year with 10%APR on $5400 the interest payments alone would be $540 for the year.

So here is how to combat this problem and how to make low interest credit cards really work of you. All the effort this takes is a few minutes once every 12 months. Firstly if you have a credit card and you are paying interest on it click on this link to direct you to a site with numerous 0%Apr for 12 months credit cards. Apply for one of these (they are all very similar, chose your own personal preference) and transfer your balance from the account that you are currently paying interest on. Try not to opt for the minimum payment every month (if you do we can still work it that you don't pay any interest, it would just take numerous years to pay of the debt). Pay off as much as you can or want over these 12 months, as it is all interest free. From the example above: - saving at least $400 per year at 10%APR.

If, as in most cases the credit card has not been cleared by the time the 0% Interest is over, go back onto a credit cards comparing list like the one linked below . Sign up a different 0%APR card and transfer the balance. If this is done say goodbye to paying credit card interest and charges again.

About the Author
I used to work in the Credit Card Department of a large International Bank, and it sickened me the way other staff and I had to sell low interest credit cards, extortionate interest credit cards and credit card insurance .....let me tell you firsthand how to properly manage your low interst credit cards

Manage credit card debt! Fast! Guaranteed! Click Now to Learn How the Author Got Rid Of $63,000 In Debt In Only 4 Months w/o Bankruptcy!

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